Monday, January 23, 2017

Den Haag - Week 34

I had a super awesome week this week. We have a new investigator and her name is Lilly and she is an amazing vrouw. I am so grateful for her! She even came with us to church this Sunday! We also had exchanges this week and I went to institute with my favorite person ever, Kate ( a recently baptized member). I love her so much. I also got to see Daniella at Institute and Daniella told me that she is getting baptized on March 4th!!! I am SO excited for her!!! We also met a crazy lady this week who was religious but very occupied by weird theories, like why all the birds fly through Isreal before they go to places like Africa and stuff, or that Jesus was actually just in a coma for three days and that's how he was resurrected. It was interesting. On Friday, we went to this awesome concert with Kate. Savannah Stevenson is a singer for West End productions in England or something like that, and she also was Mary in the Bible Videos, so she came to the Zoetemeer church and sang for us which was awesome!! We also got to meet Deborah this week and help her clean her house, which was really nice. I love being with Deborah. 

On Saturday we had a zone activity where we all played Kickball at Zuiderpark in Den Haag. The Dutch do this thing where they ice over a part of the park and then everyone goes skating on it. We didn't realize it was there so we were surprised when we saw it! It's been a really good week and this transfer is literally flying by. It's almost done. I really hope I stay in Den Haag for another transfer, I really don't want to leave here. 

I love you all!! ​

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