Monday, January 9, 2017

Den Haag - Week 32

Den Haag - Week 32

This was a crazy week! It dropped a thousand degrees and is now absolutely freezing, and we biked a ton. All of our appointments pretty much fell through too, which was a disappointment, but we did have one amazing experience with one lady we meet every now and then. She's very sick so she can't meet for very long or very often, but the spirit is so strong in her home. She is amazing and I love her. We also looked up a referal by the ocean and so we stopped by for a break. It's so pretty! I took some fun pictures.

Also, some of the Elders here requested that I draw something for them. Elder Geeraert wanted a drawing of him as a guy from a band he likes, and Elder Young wanted me to draw him as Dumbledoor. It was so fun and hilarious when I gave it to them. Their reactions were priceless.

It was a good week! And tomorrow is my birthday, so we are all celebrating it today. We are going to get sushi and play games! I'm really excited. 


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