Monday, January 9, 2017

Den Haag - Week 28

Den Haag - Week 28

This week flew by! On Monday we celebrated Sinterklaas with an awesome family in our ward which was awesome. On Wednesday we had Zone Conference and an area of the seventy came to Den haag and taught about High Yield Low Maintenance missionaries, which was really good. I also saw Tyler at Zone Conference which was pretty cool. It's so weird that we are in the same mission. We know so many of the same people. I also got to see Zuster Smith and Zuster De Moors again, who I love so much. On Saturday, we had Stake Conference in the evening and I met a really awesome investigator in the Zoetemeer ward named Daniella. And I got to see her and talk to her the next day too at Stake Conference and the Christmas concert. 

On Sunday we had a really amazing experience with one of our investigators. He has problems understanding that Heavenly Father can speak to him personally, and that the relationship with him is gradual rather than a grand glorious appearance. So we had a testimony meeting with him, with all of the missionaries serving in the Den Haag ward. And he loved it. And the spirit was so strong, and I know that he heard everything that he needed to hear. I am so grateful for the amazing people serving here and for the spirit they brought into that lesson. I know that our investigator was so grateful to hear from them. It has been one of the most spiritual lessons on my mission by far. 

I love you all and hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas time! Prettige kerstdagen!! 

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