Monday, January 9, 2017

Den Haag - Week 30

Den Haag - Week 30

This week flew by. I had exchanges this week into Haarlem with Sister Majors, who is awesome. We did lots of caroling this week, including caroling in Central Station. 

We got transfer calls Christmas morning, which was honestly pretty stressful. Zuster Mercer is moving up to Gronigen, which I am super sad about. I really wish that I could have gotten another transfer with her, but I think that Heavenly Father wants to give me an opportunity to lead and take over the city.

We had an amazing Christmas dinner at the Linders, they gave us a four course dinner and everything. We have the most amazing members here and I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend another transfer here with awesome people.

I love you all and I hope your Christmases were amazing wherever you are at!!! I love jullie and I miss you!!!

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