Monday, January 9, 2017

Den Haag - Week 31

Den Haag - Week 31

It was really hard to say goodebye to Zuster Mercer this past week. I love her and I miss her way​
more than I expected! I really feel jipped that I didn't get another transfer with her. We are super tight and I was really sad to see her go. It was sad to say goodebye to this district in general. This has been one of my favorite transfers and I really loved this group. But I am excited for this upcoming transfer!! It's going to be a good one. 

Holland is crazy about fireworks. Literally insane. We had to be inside by four oclock because of how insane the fireworks are for the whole of New Years Eve. It literally sounds like a warzone. Some of the fireworks shake the ground!!! People are super reckless with them too. I lost hearing in one of my ears for four minutes because we walked right past a huge explosion. Sister Dixon and I partied New Years Eve and drew pictures and made goals and ate like way too many olliebollen and turkish pizzas. We would sit in our window and watch crazy fireworks. I saw a tram have to stop and wait for a firework to go off that was in the middle of the tracks. I'm surprised nothing was lit on fire because people light them right next to the apartments. You also have to tape your mail slots in your doors shut because people will throw fireworks into your house. I also saw many damaged bikes... Thank goodness mine was fine. ​
The next day as we were biking to church, we saw that one of the tram haltes's glass windows had been shattered and charred. That was exciting. Watch out for the glass while biking.... I have a picture below of some of the mess from new years that was outside of our apartment. 

It has also gotten FREEZING this week. It is literally the worst biking through the wind and rain and frigidness. There's been no snow yet but it's possible. 

Yesterday I hit my Seven Month Mark!!! Crazy! I can't believe I'm already on my 5th transfer. Next transfer I will be halfway done with my mission. Craziness. It's felt so long as so fast at the same time. 

I love you all and I hope you are all doing wonderful!!! 

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