Sunday, August 20, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 56

That's right. Transfer calls arrived. This was my last week in the incredible city of Amsterdam, and it was a pretty good one!! Here are some highlights:

- On P-Day, we biked with the six other elders in our ward out to the Muiderslot castle, and we took a million pictures. It was SO fun!

That evening we had an incredible lesson with our new investigator Patricia. We taught her the Plan of Happiness, and the presence of the spirit was so strong. She wants to get baptized! 

- On Wednesday we got to see Crystal, yesss. But it involved a really intense bike ride through the ridiculous centrum while being blinded as the ocean was dumped on our heads and the wind was shoving us over. But we survived. 

At the beginning of the day I looked this: 

40 minutes later.... 

And our lesson with Crystal was really good. And she fed us Mongolian dumplings. 

On Saturday we went to a baptism in Leiden, and on the way home we got our transfer calls. And I'm off to a new adventure!! I'm moving to Belgium. I will be a Sister Training Leader in Anterwerpen!! So I'm moving to Belgium. I'm pretty excited, and it will most likely be my last area. 

Dus, to quote Nacho Libre,  "So I'm going out into the Wilderness Antwerpen. Probably, to die."

I have loved Amsterdam!! And I'm going to miss it like crazy.  Today, for my last P-Day, we plan on biking around all of Amsterdam to visit 2 Museums, a Monument and a Palace. It's going to be hectic but awesome. I love this city! 

I love you guys!! I hope you all had an awesome week. 

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