Sunday, August 20, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 55

Hoi jullie!!! I had a pretty good week, a lot of appointments fell through but this next one should be a lot better appointment wise. This week:

- On Monday we went to Volendam, an old fishing village, and took a district photo in the traditional Dutch clothes. 

- On Tuesday we had interviews with President. Interviews always come at the exactly perfect moment. 

- I got to go on exchanges with Zuster Leman, one of the funniest humans on the planet and also my beloved MTC comp. 
- DANIELLA IS ON A MINI MISSION. For two whole weeks in Zoetermeer!! She called me as a missionary from the Zoetermeer phone. She's been baptized for only 4 and a half-ish months. I am SO proud of her!! 

- We had a relief society baby shower, which was pretty cute. 

- Here is a photo of my foot tan....

Yeah, not much crazy interesting. Quote time!

Quotes of the Week:

I wish I could record everything that comes out of Zuster Leman's mouth, she is hilarious, but unfortunately I only wrote down one funny thing she said, and I relate with it on a spiritual level:
Zuster Leman: "I'm working on my posture... Because one time my grandma asked my parents if I had a chronic back disorder... but I was just slouching". 

"Okay, now we go under the speed bridge. I call it this because of the people doing Speed under it, and we should probably speed through it..." 

Interesting Sight of the Week:  

I almost ran over a man pushing a grocery cart down the busy fietspad (bike path), in the way of everyone, with the grocery cart full of stacks and stacks and stacks of beer. Oh Amsterdam.

Well I love you guys!!! I will be sending more pictures!!!

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