Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Den Haag - Week 40

Hey Everybody!!!

This has been an awesome and very warm week!! Den Haag is blessed and spring is here! 

Some highlights from this week: 

A member taught us how to filet a fish, including the entire head and everything, and of course I dared myself to eat the eyeball of the fish, so I have now eaten fish eyes. That was an experience. 

Our investigator came to institute this week and she loved it. She spoke more than the rest of the people in the class and she was answering questions about scriptures on her own and repeatedly bringing up the importance of baptism. Yessss. It was fantastic, and afterwards she asked us if Institute was every wednesday. I love her!!

Zuster Dixon hit her year mark this week!! Crazy!!

Zuster Dixon sang in church this past sunday with Elder Young. They did a great job, and our less active came to hear her sing. We were excited when we saw our less active come in and she was definitely there the whole sacrament meeting, but afterwards she came up to us and asked when we were going to sing. And we both just stared at her blankly in confusion... because Zuster Dixon just sang. And Zuster Dixon says "Zuster Lemmer, I just sang." Zuster Lemmer is a very forgetful person, but I didn't realize that she was that forgetful. She said "I must have come late" but she definitely didn't, Zuster Dixon made eye contact with her while she was singing. It was pretty funny, I love her. 

I hope you are all doing wonderful and I love you all!!!!! Have a great week!!! 

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