Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 42

This week I hit my ten month mark!!! Crazy!! Time is both dragging and flying haha. It's been a really long week trying to adjust to this new area and figure out how Amsterdam works. It's been exhausting!! We had an Easter Zone Conference, which was awesome. Everyone check out the new easter video!!!

I love the theme of finding peace, considering that it's a topic that I have been really studying lately and wanting to better apply to myself. I am excited to share peace with the people I meet here. 

We have had multiple lessons with awesome people this week, and also said goodbye to our awesome investigator Deevain who moved to Spain this week! We got Indian food with him and his friends for dinner and had an awesome discussion about the gospel with one of his Polish friends. 

We tried to watch General Conference this week but a bunch of crazy things happened... We only got to see the last session of conference unfortunately. 

Today for P-Day we went with the Amsterdam missionaries and Almere to this cherry blossom orchard and had a picnic and took pictures and played werewolf and card games, which was really relaxing and fun. We had a blast!

I love you all!!! Have a great week!!! 

Amsterdam - Week 41

This has been an insane and crazy week and it was really hard to say goodbye to my beloved Den Haag and all of the members and also the amazing missionaries that I had been serving with. Den Haag is an incredible place and I am really grateful for the time that I had there. I still miss it so much!!! On Tuesday I said goodbye to our district and also to the wonderful and beautiful Deborah, which I had a really hard time doing. Deborah is without a doubt the most amazing person I have ever met on my mission. Before I left her house for the last time, she gave me one of her pieces of art that she has in her house that she personally drew, with my name on the bottom, and it was put in a nice frame and I adore it. It will come with me everywhere. 

On Wednesday I took a train off to Amsterdam with all of my luggage!! I was all alone in this section of the train and this crazy guy came up to me and started pestering me about being a Mormon and asking for my number and then also randomly quizzing me about the presidents of the world... It was kind of scary but luckily it lasted only twenty minutes of the train ride before he got off, so that was a funny story!!! I also have already met this crazy guy before at the beginning of my mission... he did the same thing to me before with my comp one time in Rotterdam station, and he carries around our missionary cards with him. It was very interesting.

Now I am in Amsterdam with the incredible Zuster Thomas. I adore her with my whole soul!!!!!!!! I am SO grateful for her and we're going to have a blast this transfer and do a lot of good for the people here. And I know that I am going to learn a lot from her because I already have these past five days and I love her so much. 

Amsterdam is a little different from Den Haag. It's a lot bigger and I thought that the traffic in Den Haag was bad... Obviously it's nothing compared to Amsterdam. It's insane. There is so much happening, especially when you're also trying to navigate with a map at the exact same time as a thousand people are biking around you a mopeds and craziness. It's very exciting. 

Amsterdam also has 8 missionaries in this ward too, which is pretty fun! Three times a week we go and play soccer and hand ball in the morning for our exercise time! I just realized how out of shape I am.... 

I am really excited for my upcoming transfer here! It's going to be amazing!!! A lot will be happening!!! It's going to be great.

I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!! 

(also here is my new address) 

Vogelkersoord 15
1112 ED Diemen

Den Haag - Week 41

This was a really good last week in Den Haag. The last P-Day Zuster Dixon and I went to Efteling which was pretty fun. On Tuesday we had an amazing three course meal with the amazing Ethlyn in honor of the upcoming transfers, since we knew that at least one of us has to be transferred. Ethlyn is an incredible cook and she even made us personalized ice cream with flavors that she thought we would be. Zuster Dixon was pineapple and lemongrass while I was cackays and passionfruit. Afterwards, we had a lesson with Ida and she is now on date for baptism! WHOO.

The highlight of the week was of course being with Deborah though. That is always the highlight of the week whenever we get to see her. Her home is protected from the world, and every time we leave we can honestly feel this extra feeling of the spirit with us. I am so grateful for the chance that I've had these past three transfers to know Deborah. I love her so much. 

On Saturday we had an amazing lesson at Ethlyn's house with a young woman who had investigated the church two years earlier but had been dropped because she was making any progress. Well, she's now changed so much!! She listened and could feel the spirit and she understands the importance of Christ now. It was an incredible lesson. 

Then... that evening was transfer calls. I was really nervous, because I've been really wanting to stay another transfer in Den Haag while also really wanting to go, but I've been really nervous about being transferred to another small city where there's not a lot of work and door knocking all day again. So I was very nervous. Of course we got our transfer calls at 10:30... natuurlijk. Zuster Dixon is staying in Den Haag. And I'm being moved!!! To...... (drumrooooolll) AMSTERDAM. AHHHHHHH. I screamed very loudly. You can ask the zone leaders. I AM PUMPED. It's going to be AWESOME. My cities just get bigger and bigger! I started in a small village/town to a middle sized city to a big political city to AMSTERDAM. I am SO EXCITED. And also I've heard that my new companion is AWESOME. 

Unfortunately my computer wont let me put my pictures on so I will have to put them on next week. 

I love you all!!! Have an awesome week!!!!

Den Haag - Week 40

Hey Everybody!!!

This has been an awesome and very warm week!! Den Haag is blessed and spring is here! 

Some highlights from this week: 

A member taught us how to filet a fish, including the entire head and everything, and of course I dared myself to eat the eyeball of the fish, so I have now eaten fish eyes. That was an experience. 

Our investigator came to institute this week and she loved it. She spoke more than the rest of the people in the class and she was answering questions about scriptures on her own and repeatedly bringing up the importance of baptism. Yessss. It was fantastic, and afterwards she asked us if Institute was every wednesday. I love her!!

Zuster Dixon hit her year mark this week!! Crazy!!

Zuster Dixon sang in church this past sunday with Elder Young. They did a great job, and our less active came to hear her sing. We were excited when we saw our less active come in and she was definitely there the whole sacrament meeting, but afterwards she came up to us and asked when we were going to sing. And we both just stared at her blankly in confusion... because Zuster Dixon just sang. And Zuster Dixon says "Zuster Lemmer, I just sang." Zuster Lemmer is a very forgetful person, but I didn't realize that she was that forgetful. She said "I must have come late" but she definitely didn't, Zuster Dixon made eye contact with her while she was singing. It was pretty funny, I love her. 

I hope you are all doing wonderful and I love you all!!!!! Have a great week!!!