Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Breda - Week 14

Nothing crazy exciting happened this week. A lot of knocking doos and we met some funny people, including a polish guy who told us in broken english that we needed to choose our own way of life, that Zuster Parker´s shoes were too old, and that we needed to not follow our boss or ´chef´(i think he meant chief...). Then we told him we needed to go and went down the street to get away from him when we look over and he´s standing outside of his house again watching us. Then later he walks all the way back to us (we´´d gone quite a ways down) and starts talking to us while we´re in the middle of knocking on someone elses door and it was really awkward and weird and then we had to talk to him for a while and it was also hilarious. 

The only other interesting thing that happened this week was.... Efteling!!!! For PDay today our whole zone got to go to Efteling, this awesome theme park that´s themed off of original fairytales and it was really really fun. I really enjoyed myself. I will send pictures when I have time to upload all of them. 

This is my last week of this transfer! Crazy! I have no idea what will be happening but this is extremely likely to be my last week with Zuster Parker. i love her!!! 

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