Sunday, July 16, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 53

Hey everybody!! This week was good. A little hectic, as usual, and it was one of those weeks where everything seems to go wrong, haha. Some highlights:

- On Monday we went to Anne Frank House (but we had to wait in line for two hours... it was so worth it!). That was an incredible experience, I´m really grateful that we had the chance to go. 

- We had zone conference this week, and I got to see Zuster Dixon, Zuster De Moors, and Zuster Fordiani! And a huge cluster of our MTC group was there :) 

- Zuster Gilbert's chain fell off of her bike on the way to IJburg so we pulled over and were trying to fix it when this older guy came out of his house to see what was up, and ended up completely repairing her bike, including shortening the chain and everything. 

-We had an amazing appointment with Crystal and Tom! And Crystal ended up coming to church and loved it :D 

- Sophia was baptized in a lake. 

Hmm, some funny quotes for the week: 

When choosing someone to lead the Dutch birthday song at Zone Conference:
Zuster Merz "If they choose me, I'm going to punch someone in the face"
2 seconds later
"Zuster Merz!"

Zuster Gilbert: "Do you like to read?"
Paris (11 year old member): "Does reading the subtitles on TV shows count?"
Zuster Gilbert: "... No"
Paris: "Hmm then no"

Hmm yeah that's about it. I love you guys!!!

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