Sunday, July 16, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 51

Hey everyone!!! Another week has gone by! This past monday for P-Day we went on an Amsterdam bout tour with the zone. Here are some pictures.

Some highlights of the week:

- We found out that our investigator from Mongolia actually had a lot more contact with the missionaries in Mongolia than we had thought, and we learned that she had even served a mini mission for a week there... Crazy!! We were really shocked.
-We got rain dumped on us, literally felt like we were taking a cold shower in our clothes, outside, on our bikes. When I walked, my shoes made a spongey sound and brown water would bubble out through the holes in my shoes. Super gross. 
-We got transfer calls. Zuster Thomas is leaving :(( She is off to Heerlen and I will be getting Zuster Gilbert here. 

Well I love you guys!!! 


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