Monday, May 22, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 44

Hey everybody!!!

This week was crazy! Last Tuesday the Amsterdam Zone and the Rotterdam Zone had a zone conference and then we all got to go to Keukenhof together, which was really fun. I got to be reunited with my trainer, Zuster Parker, who I adore. We took tons of pictures together and it was a really fun day. I also went on exchanges this week with Zuster Cluff in Haarlem. We have another investigator on baptismal date, which I am really excited for!! We now have two and they are both solid and I'm super excited for them!

Also, Christina (from when I was in Sliedrecht) is finally getting baptized!!!! On April 30th, and I am pumped. Her date kept on getting changed but now it's apparently really solid, so I'm pumped to see her again and be there for such an important experience. 

On Friday we brought one of our investigators to the fireside in Zoetermeer.... Guess who the speaker who.... ELDER UCHTDORF. It was SO cool and our investigator loved it. I also got to see all of the people I love from Den Haag, like Ethlyn and Kate and Daniella!! I miss my people from there. 

Those were my highlights from this week!!! Also here's a ton of pictures!!

I love you all and I miss you!!! 

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