Monday, May 22, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 47

Hey everybody!! Zuster Thomas and I had an amazing week full of miracles. I've finally noticed some improvement in my Dutch, which was really nice. I translated from English to Dutch and Dutch to English in an appointment for a visiting teaching visit between two members, and that was the first time I had done it. Of course it wasn't perfect or anything but communication happened, haha.

This week we also kept on making the mistake of eating before going over to Lazlo and Szulamitt's, and they are the cutest people ever and always trying to make us feel at home and feeding us SO MUCH food that we don't want! We were very sugared out. 

May 4th was Remembrance Day, a day dedicated to all of the people who died during WWII. It's a really big deal here and we are asked to refrain from proselyting and also encouraged to attend the Remembrance Day Ceremony in our local areas. And I was very fortunate to be able to attend the one in Amsterdam, and we also accidentally got there an hour early and were near the front. The King and Queen attend the one in Amsterdam, so I got to see the King and Queen walk right past us! It was a really beautiful ceremony and I felt so lucky to have been able to attend. 

We got to do a lot with less actives this week and we also have a solid new investigator that we met yesterday and she is so cool!! It's been really good, and I love it here. 

It's been a crazy good week!!! I love you all!! :))

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