Monday, May 22, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 45

Hey everybody!!!! This has been a very fast week, and I can't believe that it's already P-Day again. We also get transfer calls this next Saturday. I feel like I blinked and then the transfer is now basically over. Crazy! Next transfer I will reach my one year mark, which sounds way too old!

Last P-Day we got museum cards and went to this awesome War Museum in Amersfoort with some other missionaries. There was a lot about different periods of time in the Netherlands, and also a lot of tanks and planes and artillery from different wars. I got to ride in a WWII jeep thing and I died. That was my favorite part probably and I nerded out a lot. 

This week we had a lot of appointments and look ups but the highlight was probably going over to Szulamitt and Laszo to meet them. They are two investigators of the zone leaders who are from Hungary and were getting ready for baptism. Szulamitt is fifteen and we went to go get to know her before her baptism and we clicked with her and her dad really quickly. They both speak only Hungarian and pretty good Dutch, and they are hilarious. They banter all of the time with each other and they are both really witty and we loved being with them. Then the next Sunday (yesterday) was their baptism! It was a good thing that we got to meet her because when her baptism came around she got really nervous and it was perfect that we'd already established a good relationship with her.  We helped her get over her nervousness and all went well. She is adorable and her baptism was amazing! One of our investigators on baptismal date came to church and to the baptism with her mother and her mother's boyfriend and loved it! 

Oh yeah, another highlight from this week. We ran out of food.... And the stores were closed... And the elders found out so they made dinner for us and homemade tea and then doorbell ditched it at our door. It was so sweet and made our week!! We have really kind and wonderful missionaries here in Amsterdam. 

Other than that everything has been same old missionary work :) The weather has been beautiful lately and Amsterdam is an amazing city! 

I love you all!!! 

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