Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Amsterdam - Week 42

This week I hit my ten month mark!!! Crazy!! Time is both dragging and flying haha. It's been a really long week trying to adjust to this new area and figure out how Amsterdam works. It's been exhausting!! We had an Easter Zone Conference, which was awesome. Everyone check out the new easter video!!!

I love the theme of finding peace, considering that it's a topic that I have been really studying lately and wanting to better apply to myself. I am excited to share peace with the people I meet here. 

We have had multiple lessons with awesome people this week, and also said goodbye to our awesome investigator Deevain who moved to Spain this week! We got Indian food with him and his friends for dinner and had an awesome discussion about the gospel with one of his Polish friends. 

We tried to watch General Conference this week but a bunch of crazy things happened... We only got to see the last session of conference unfortunately. 

Today for P-Day we went with the Amsterdam missionaries and Almere to this cherry blossom orchard and had a picnic and took pictures and played werewolf and card games, which was really relaxing and fun. We had a blast!

I love you all!!! Have a great week!!! 

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