Sunday, December 4, 2016

Dan Haag - Week 26

Den Haag - Week 26

This week has been amazing. I am already in love with Den Haag and I love it here. It's a big city right by the ocean, so it's super super windy (like blowing bikes over windy) and also the bike paths are busier so you need to pay more attention to what you're doing. There are also tons of trams everywhere and traffic and it's great. 

We've already had several amazing lessons the past couple of days. I am so grateful for the actual work we have here. I love our investigators.  One of them straight up asked us if she could be baptized, which was amazing. The spirit has been so strong in our lessons and it has been really cool working with joint teaches. This has been my first time having a member present. My companion is also awesome. She is from Maryland and she is amazing. I love her! We have tons of fun. Den Haag is the first non-english speaking ward in the world, so they're pretty proud of that. There are six other missionaries here too, which is super fun. I love our district, they are all amazing. 

It's been a really great week!

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