Monday, August 22, 2016

Sliedrecht - Week 9

I don't have a ton of time to write today because we're going paintballing today!! I'm excited! But some stuff that happened this week. I heard that the Turkish Elders have been moved to Berlin because of the civil unrest. :/ I try to read the Metro on the trains but uh it's in Dutch lol. My dutch is getting slightly better! Yay! 

I went to Brussels this week and tried my first Belgian Waffle. It is SO GOOD. I LOVED seeing Zuster Leman and everyone from my MTC group. I didn't realize how much I really did miss them!! They are such amazing people. Zuster Leman is so awesome and I loved quoting Pink Panther with her again... "Good Work Ponton!" I also got to splits with Zuster Mangum which was super fun. She is so funny. 

Zuster Duncan came to us for a couple days this week and she really inspired me! She's leaving early this transfer to go back to school so she is filled with awesome wisdom. She really helped! I learned a lot from her. 

A lady yelled at us yesterday for proselyting on Sunday and was super vicious! Agh! It was hurtful for the rest of the day but now I'm like whatever. haha we get those every now and then. But my companion is super awesome! I wish I could write more but maybe next week! Hopefully pictures will come next week too!

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